Bridging the Gap: An Integrative Understanding of Substance Use Disorders and Family System Recovery
Check out some articles citing my thoughts and perspectives
13 Tips For Giving Your Partner Some Space
#1: Start Small
How To Deal With Separation Anxiety From Your Partner Post-Pandemic
After spending 24/7 together, time apart might feel weird.
Find A Therapist
I am grateful to be a part of this group and to support the amazing work that they have been doing.
5 Unexpected Symptoms of Depression
In pop culture and the media, depression is often equated to sadness. Depressed people in movies and on TV seem fairly one-dimensional. They’re overwhelmingly despondent, they cry frequently, and they constantly want to be sleeping in bed.
A New Sense of Normal Helps Us Bounce Back From a Crisis
We’re capable of bouncing back from a crisis a lot faster than we might think. A new study being published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that psychological recovery can happen even when people are still in the midst of a stressful experience. Those high in neuroticism may recover at an even faster rate because they’re better equipped to navigate stress.
Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Personality Disorders and Intergenerational Trauma
Alex draws from multi-disciplinary perspectives and evidence bases, ranging from trauma-informed care, family systems theory, and current categorizations of personality disorders. The information presented is further informed by clinical practice and the application of family systems work and trauma informed care to treat the underlying factors precipitating active substance use disorders.
‘Irvin D. Yalom - Existential Psychotherapy (A Discussion) [W/ Alex Ribbentrop]
How do the four "ultimate concerns" of life - death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness - affect the way we live? How can our ways of coping with these givens of existence give way to pathology? Watch this episode of The Socratic Method as Clark and Cody consult psychotherapist Alex Ribbentrop to discuss Yalom's textbook and the answers it provides to these questions.
Intergenerational Trauma, Personality Disorders, and Addiction
Check out the webinar to learn more about addiction, recovery, family and personality. Learn about evolution plays a role in trauma, how therapy and treatment helps, and why intergenerational factors are so important.